Tips From The Top

Events Make the Difference
We are set up different from other networking organizations because of our events. We have them for two reasons; one, is to find referral partners throughout the entire organization. The goal of networking events should be to find people to work with on an ongoing...

SNG 7 Minute Presentation Outline
As part of your SNG membership, each member has a tremendous opportunity to present a seven-minute presentation on their business. In order that you have the maximum effectiveness, we have created the following outline to help each member formulate their message and...

Best Time For Business Development?
The best time for business development is when you are so busy, you almost say, “I can’t take any more business!” When you are in a slump, we tend to take anything thrown at us. If business development, aka business networking, is continually forefront of your mind,...

Another SNG Benefit…finding marketing partners
I was contacted by one of our Medicare insurance specialty companies who wanted me to send out a notice they were looking for sponsors for some of their events. First thing I did was to let them know I could not forward their information because I would have to do the...

“Just This One Thing” …is a lie!
We were told, “One thing you have to do is just join a big enough business networking group, your cold calling days are over, and you will make a lot of money.” “That’s ALL I have to do is join? This one thing? I can do that. Here’s my credit card number.” This is the...

Start Looking for Ponies
We all have people in our lives we were really close with at one time. Can you think back to some of your high school and college friends, or people you hung out with during your early, wild years? For whatever reason, people were in your life for a while, and now...
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